Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Hossain School

So far I have uploaded 21 videos. Now I am preparing slides of ARCH and GARCH model and would like to upload it by tomorrow. Daily I see there are 80 views on average from 10 to 15 countries. I am also getting good feedback from visitors. You can see my video channel or school. Sayed Hossain Channel

Yes I have bought Eviews software and with it I have started my school. So far I have uploaded 21 videos and have plan to upload another 21 videos using Eviews.

After completing Eviews, I have intention to buy SPSS software so that I can exhibit models like anova, manova, factor analysis etc. But the problem is I have no fund to buy it. I will have to wait for fund. Or if I get a good job, I can start my school again. Indeed I intend to buy seven software for my school.

After finishing my school, I shall be start walking in the Dallas highway. I may come back or not.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good article