Thursday, May 13, 2010

Finally Dallas

Finally reached Dallas after almost 36 hours journey from Kuala Lumpur, accompanied by Komol and Maria. Delta Airlines got spacious aircraft, allowed us to seat properly. It was a non smoking flight.

First we reached at Changi Airport in Singapore to spent night. Later on, we started again to Narita that took almost 6 hours. From Narita, it took another 14 hours to Minneapolis and from Manneapolis, another two hours were needed to reach Dallas.

We crossed pacific ocean, Alaska and part of Canada to reach Minneapolis. We are passing over hilly green mountains whenever we were crossing Canada.

There had been wonderful trip this time as I could sleep properly in the aircraft, also had plenty of foods. We requested Muslim food.

In Dallas we received a warm welcome. Thanks to all.

Right now there is spring in Dallas, neither cold nor hot. We are using light dresses but temperature slightly gets down at night (as I feel so).

As a city, Dallas is a spacious one, less traffic, less inhabitants also (I guess so as I see few heads around). Traffic signals and management differs slightly from Malaysia. One new things is 'Yield' in the traffic system which I did not see in Malaysia. I will talk about Yield later whenever I have some spaces.

I see lots of Oak tress and cattle rearing farm. Dallas has diversified economy ranging from finance, business, IT and agriculture.

Some of the streets name such as Jupiter (Zeus), Apollo indicates that Greek Gods might have influence on this area although Jupiter temple was not found.

I reached Dallas two days ago and will continue to write about it.

Maria is enjoying very much in Dallas. Thanks to Allah for all His support.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Glad to know that you, Komol and Maria had arrived Dallas safely. Enjoy your life in new environment and hope you will settle down soon.
Take care